With Marvel books, I never feel that I'm *that* far behind on major storylines because of the usual 4-5 month wait between HC and TP. I wouldn't have a problem with books being released in HC first and having to wait a little bit longer to read them in TP format, if I felt I wasn't being unfairly punished for making that decision. However, as I've said many times (so often now, I'm sure people can guess what I'll say before I say it!) - the gap between a Marvel HC and its TP re-print is considerably shorter than the one DC imposes. I think Marvel are in a similar position already I believe most of their 'top-line' books are released in the Premiere Edition HC first.

might we be headed for a situation where all, or at least the majority, of DC's collections come out in hardcover first? What do you think of that? Are Marvel or other companies headed the same direction? I know at some point I'll have to "push back" - with the major events in hardcover, that'll mean I might have to skip some of the marginal titles in paperback for a while. Looking out over the landscape of 2011 graphic novels already announced, I see a lot of hardcovers - Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Brightest Day. Anyone already sure they're waiting for the paperback on this? Of course, I'm disappointed because Brightest Day is the kind of series I want to read first-run, no waiting. At twenty-six issues, I guess I was silly to think Brightest Day wouldn't be two volumes, but I really hoped it would follow 52, Countdown to Final Crisis, and Trinity in coming out in paperback. Perhaps the better question should be, when will the Batman titles stop being deluxe? The biggest surprise here, though it shouldn't be, is the deluxe size - since Batman RIP and Batman & Robin were both deluxe, it stands to reason that Return of Bruce Wayne should be deluxe, too. * Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne deluxe hardcoverĭetails and such on this will surely change, but right now it's listed as 224 pages.

For those who felt the other day's list of DC Comics' early 2011 trade paperbacks lacked a certain "oomph," here's two doses of "oomph" for you.